“They that forsake the law praise law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.” Proverbs 28:4
By Riley J. Hood
If you make any criticism about the adulterer and Planned Parenthood advocate, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and or “civil rights” you are automatically tarred and feathered. As I get the “racist treatment” any way, I’m not afraid to speak my mind.
I don’t hate any “racial group.” I’m not into tormenting people. Are the goals of equal treatment under the law, the alleviation of misery, fear, and second-class treatment worthwhile goals? Yes, they are. But the Civil Rights vehicle couldn’t be more flawed.
In essence, Civil Rights, like Human Rights are socialist privileges, which require a bloated government to steal from everybody to give handouts to its handpicked favorites. Under God-given Rights, your Rights come from God, therefore you can’t call an anti-God activity, like being a homosexual, a “right.” Your Rights are secured by limits on the Civil Government. The Progressive derisively called our American Understanding of Law “negative liberties” so they could bring in “affirmative action.” What has affirmative action achieved? I submit it has resulted in more poverty, the destruction of the family, and the persecution of Christians.
Regarding forced busing; there isn’t anything left to integrate in the City of Milwaukee Public School System. Over 90% of the student population are “people of color,” they are the majority yet they complain that they comprise 89% of all discipline cases, as if they are a picked on minority. When you mention that tax dollars spent on gas and buses aren’t educating children, well you are some kind of monster. The fact is, that those schools are destroyed, all in the name of social engineering. Wanting to attend a school and being denied, on the basis of basis of physical traits is wrong and hurtful, but forcing people into schools they don’t want to go to is utopian idiocy.
The handouts have destroyed the position of the father, and destroyed the family in the communities that receive them. They have denied advancement, and impoverished many families from the communities that are forced to pay for the handouts, but don’t receive them.
In Wisconsin, in order to feed my family; I have to sign that I am in an Unprotected Category, which means I can be fired at will, at any time: with no recourse. I found out how far that can go on June 23rd, 2017. It isn’t just my opinion; it was told to me by lawyer after lawyer. I hate the thought of being a second class citizen in my own State and Country.
Then there is persecution in the name of Civil Rights. There are the small business men who are persecuted for not pandering to homosexuals, who aren’t persecuted victims, but perverted criminals. But if you are into Civil Rights, then homosexuals and abortionists are your team. Barronelle Strutzman, and other florists, photographers, and caterers are being sued by smelly criminals under the guise of Civil Rights and Human Rights.
Colorado baker, Jack Phillips is being targeted by the ACLU and other agents of Affirmative Action. He won a case at SCOTUS, in which the opinion, which talked about “protected categories” stated the Colorado Civil Rights Commission was too vociferous in their hatred of this Christian man, but it upheld the system of favoritism, so Jack Phillips is being dragged in front of the body again, on a new set of fake charges.Here in Milwaukee, Civil Rights includes homosexuals, crossdressers, child molesters and drug addicts. We have more poverty, more misery, criminals running around saying they are victims, and the whole county is one giant ghetto.
Our Party Platform supports a No-Quota Amendment, and as to the Great Society, it is the Great Failure, and after 60 years of failure, it is time to consider new solutions, because Civil Rights solutions, namely affirmative action; are socialist, and destructive.