Visitor Posts

Port de Marseilles, Dec. 8 2018

    Hundreds of French people in yellow vests advanced along the Marseilles waterfront. As CFACT covered the march, two armored cars approached from the opposite direction. A lone woman ran forward and situated herself in between, waving a yellow kerchief which smartly coordinated with her yellow vest. The Berliet VXB-170 twelve ton behemoths continued…

Veterans Day 2018

Dear Friend of CEAI, Today marks the 100th anniversary of an unusual day—at 11:00 am on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the guns stopped firing in World War I. Of course, this is why November 11 was chosen as Veterans Day. While not my typical before-church Sunday selection, this morning I…

Open letter to Christians and “Christian” Pastors

By Danny Krueger, CCCP (Christian Conservative Constitutional Patriot) Are we part of the church militant or the church impotent? Until Jesus returns, aren’t we supposed to spread the Gospel and oppose evil? When we clearly see good vs. evil, what do we do? Do we seek “middle ground”, agree to disagree, compromise, or remain neutral,…

Letter To The Editor

Do you like what is happening in the nation? Unemployment is at a low of 3.9% Do you appreciate a GDP of 4.1%? These are positive signs of a healthy nation. How are your taxes? If you want these numbers to stay healthy you cannot be complacent. We must send congressmen Mike Gallagher and Glen…

Summer Happens

Summer is climate hype time. News reports are swirling with purported links between this summer’s warm temperatures and manmade climate change. The Economist magazine, in fact, actually featured climate change as its lead story this week and chimed, “this sweltering European summer would have been less than half as likely were it not for human-induced…

US Withdrawal from UNHRC!

Who says we aren’t making a difference? Our movement to “Get U.S. Out!” of the United Nations is growing! In case you missed it, the U.S. is set to withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council! We wish it were from the UN entirely, but this is a great step in the right direction. Never…