Once again, you have confirmed the reason Gov. Walker lost the last election to a hapless, inept, radical liberal. On second thought, maybe he’s not as hapless and inept as we think. With your recent actions on the budget and roads you give the people of Wisconsin no reason to vote for you. Will Republicans…
Visitor Posts
Visitor Posts, Viv Forbes
The Day the Earth Moved
The proposed Adani mine has been wading through a green swamp of political obstacles for nine long years. Other coal optimists have struggled to develop coal in the Galilee Basin for over 40 years. Federal Labor, State Labor and the Greens have taken turns to man the anti-coal barricades. In these bad new days, before…
Visitor Posts
A Soldier’s Words–Values
Submitted by Alan Stewart, Ontario, CanadaForeword: I just finished re-reading for the 5th or 6th time a book by William Manchester entitled “Goodbye Darkness.” (still available) and a passage near the end is reprinted below. I felt this was apropos as a counterpoint to the youth of America in the 1940s and those of today.…
Visitor Posts
Judge blocks offshore drilling
Good grief! Yet another bold initiative by the President to strengthen American energy security is thwarted by a liberal judge legislating from the bench. This happened last Friday when U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Gleason (an Obama appointee) slapped down President Trump’s move to open up the Chukchi Sea in the Artic, as well as…
Visitor Posts
Let them eat bugs
Save the planet … eat bugs! This was the long and short message of a recent article posted at wired.com — a feature story that touted the consumption of those lovely critters we typically swat as being a key to improving our environment. O.K., admittedly the authors weren’t saying it’ll “save the planet” per se,…
Visitor Posts, Viv Forbes
Letter-to-the-Editor Priorities for the Bush
The enemies of the bush (resident in green-and-pleasant Brisbane) want to close the Queensland pastoral colleges in droughty Longreach and Emerald. It’s time for the Feds to act – slash spending on the climate alarm and climate tourism industries and use the money to save these threatened colleges. For too long tax payers have watched…