Visitor Posts

Our Nation and State

Dear Mayor, Senator or Representative, We have already lost our culture, our schools and universities, government bureaucracy, the media, entertainment, and more! Now we are losing our history, our monuments, our law enforcement, and any sense of order. What are you saying? More importantly, what are you doing? PLEASE, PLEASE, give us a reason to…

A Personal Message From Cliff

 Quarantining healthy people is tyranny and quarantining sick people should rarely be done. Closing down businesses should never happen again, the people should not allow it, and the many governors across the country completely abused their power. Solutions need to be handled as local as possible. Milwaukee County and Clark County have different needs. The…

Dear Representative Hutton, As Governor Evers’ “Safer at Home” order continues on, I encourage you to consider steps we should take now to offset some of the damage being done to Wisconsin. People are being hurt badly. People have lost jobs, income, savings and retirement. Some businesses have been or will be put out of…

Zero, the Socialist Reality

 On March 17th, I was laid off from my job for no reason at all. Sure, Trump caved into the socialists on March 13th, by declaring a national emergency, but Tony Evers gave us communism: my company shut down, when no one was sick. They said, “you will be able to collect unemployment insurance,” on…

Pests need Predators

Australian camels are well-adapted to thrive in the dry heart of Australia but landowners have been unable to harvest them profitably for meat, leather, racing or genetics. With no real predators, camel numbers ballooned. They did reduce wildfire risk in parks by consuming excess vegetation, but during drought, starving, thirsty camels become pests, invading neighbouring…

The Pre-Born Can’t Wait!

“Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.” Proverbs 3:27Mr. Evers, As Governor of Wisconsin you coined the phrase, “Healthy Mothers-Healthy Babies.” We declare the self-evident truth that aborted babies can in no way be considered healthy babies. To be healthy,…