For Immediate Release – August 19, 2010 MacIver Institute Files Open Records Requests Regarding Oconomowoc Train Station Free Market Think Tank Pursues Communications from Governor’s Office and DOT [Madison, Wisc..] The John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy is investigating the events surrounding the abrupt alterations in the Milwaukee to Madison rail project. On Tuesday,…
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James Cameron—King of the Hypocrites
Ann McElhinney Last March James Cameron sounded defiant. The Avatar director was determined to expose journalists, such as myself, who thought it was important to ask questions about climate change orthodoxy and the radical “solutions” being proposed. Cameron said he was itching to debate the issue and show skeptical journalists and scientists that they were…
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Mann-handling the Data
Michael Mann, author of the discredited “hockey stick” graph, said [9], “Record heat wave in the US that’s part of a larger picture of early summer temperatures that are the warmest on record, which is part of a larger picture of a globe that is running warmer than ever before…” Figure 1 shows the record…
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Trees and Temperatures
One iconic statement from the leaked emails in the Climategate incident is this sentence from a Phil Jones email of 16 November, 1999: “I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd [sic] from 1961 for Keith’s to hide…
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The Week That Was August 14, 2010 Quote of the Week “Urgent and unprecedented environmental and social changes challenge scientists to define a new social contract…a commitment on the part of all scientists to devote their energies and talents to the most pressing problems of the day, in proportion to their importance, in exchange for…
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Candidate’s Corner
Looking to Elect a Right-to-Life Governor? Tom Barrett is NOT Your Guy! Pro-abortion Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is the Democratic candidate for Governor of Wisconsin for the November 2, 2010 election. After enduring eight long years of consistently anti-life actions by retiring Governor Jim Doyle, right-to-life citizens long for change. They won’t find it in…