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It Could Have Been a Lot Worse! Results of Voting on State Bills

The State Senate and Assembly are adjourned for this legislative session. The Senate finished its floor period yesterday afternoon and the Assembly finished at about 4:00 a.m. this morning. However, remember that the governor could call the legislature back, or the legislature could reconvene itself, to address a specific bill or issue they did not…

Round Two Goes to the People

by Larry Gamble Round one ended on April 6th, 2010 for those who haven’t been paying attention to Wisconsin politics; it started with the passage of the 2009 Doyle Budget. That budget process was one of several catalysts that led to the voter outrage which sparked the Wisconsin Tea Party movement and even the Recall…

Steve’s Say…

We’ve Come a Long Way The feeling that overcame me that Thursday afternoon was truly euphoric; when the State Senate recessed for the year without even bringing to the floor the big three legislative debacles that seemed almost sure to pass just a week prior – known in TEA Party circles as THE VOTER FRAUD…

Emerald: The Color of Freedom?

by Joshua Tolley While reading the news story about French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s desire to have the people of Ireland re-vote on the Lisbon Treaty, I started to smile. When Ireland voted in opposition to the Lisbon Treaty to the tune of 53%, I must say I was overjoyed. The funny thing is, I’m not…

Glocal Economic Warfare?

by Will Alexander Dear All, These notes are addressed to international recipients in particular. I am trying to be helpful, not critical. I believe that a very serious international crisis could develop if the Western nations continue to undertake costly and fruitless emissions control measures and expect the developing nations of the rest of the…