Trump to MAGA: Never Surrender!

For the second time in two months, Deep State operatives failed to eliminate the Leader of the greatest freedom movement the world has seen since the American Revolution. The desperation…

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The war on food

Paul Driessen struck a nerve when he asked, “who is directing the war on agriculture and nutrition?”People have been debating the issues he raised and sharing his article with their…

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“Politics and the English Language”Orwell’s 1946 essay on relationshipbetween bad language and lying is spot-on

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn famously observed that the hallmark of totalitarianism is that everyone participating in it is in the habit of lying all the time about everything. We often think of lying as a straightforward matter of making statements that are false. However, a far more common and insidious form of lying involves using vague language,…

Peter Hotez Ventures into TheologyVAX High Priest finds inspiration ina Jesuit priest and scientist.

Dr. Peter Hotez is the Pontifex Maximus of the Vaccine Cult, despite his personal presentation always being in shambles. Like many exalted institutional leaders in America today, Dr. Hotez invariably leaves the critical viewer wondering how he became so influential.One thing that Hotez does seem to understand is that facts alone are not sufficient to…

Visitor Posts

Deep State in Deep Panic

Donald Trump and the MAGA movement truly are the existential threat to the entrenched Deep State Globalist Totalitarians, not only in the United States but across the entire world.Trump continues his march toward an unprecedented landslide election victory despite the plethora of Fake News fairytales of Kamala Harris’ popularity and the close race fantasy peddled…

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Recognize the Lies

By John EllisIn the current issue of On Wisconsin Outdoors, we report that corrupt Republican and Democrat Party leaders are working together to try and steal Wisconsin’s November election from Donald Trump. To do it, they will use the 4 million ineligible voters on the WEC’s statewide voter registration list. They’re doing it, because Trump…


By Sen. André JacqueDE PERE, WI… State Senator André Jacque (R-De Pere) released the following statement today in response to the settlement of the Green Bay City Hall snooping case against Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich’s administration.“This is a landmark win for protecting our civil liberties, and exactly what we demanded from the very beginning:…